The three eldest are married now, and while that brings joy to my heart, it is a bittersweet joy. I realized as we shared our Thanksgiving meal with the five still at home how empty the house feels without the ones who've grown up and gone... how much I miss them. Being a mom is not easy, but I think the hardest thing of all is letting them go when the job of raising them is finished.

When my kids were small, that job of parenting them loomed large before me. Now I truly understand that our children are only lent to us for a moment, and that moment is gone before we know it. While there are many regrets for mistakes I made, there are many more wonderful memories, cherished memories that I carry in my heart. Even as my own youth fades away, those memories bring me comfort, satisfaction, and happiness. Tonight I am grateful that God chose to touch my life with motherhood, and that He chose me to raise eight wonderful people.
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